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Tag: CBS

The Polymath Roundtable – Episode 22 – Macguyver Reborn

Coming from the Classic TV archive, Macguyver is a dearly remembered and treasured part of my childhood. Today we talk briefly about the original series and the new rebooted Macguyver on CBS. In short, given the sample size so far, the reboot is not as good as the original by far, but it has hints of the original heart and soul. 3/5 so far, hoping to raise the score. Warnings for language and mild suggestive content.

Published March 11, 2020

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The Polymath Roundtable – Episode 18 – Star Trek Picard Part 1

Today we start a brand new series of podcasts, a weekly breakdown of the new Star Trek series on CBS, Picard. This will be posted as close as feasible to Thursday each week when the new episode airs, and will discuss the series on a 2 week delay so as not to spoil it for people watching live.

In short, the new episode features many of the usual offenders when it comes to speculative fiction in an atheist world setting, with the new addition of a plot designed to make the creation of life a human achievement via advanced AI. Not recommended for younger individuals due to obscured lines between good and evil and morally ambiguous.

First published February 7, 2020

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